
terça-feira, 24 de abril de 2012

Erro "Cannot access a disposed object" instalando EP com Sharepoint 2010.

Se você esta tentando instalar o Enterprise Portal utilizando o Sharepoint Server 2010 talvez ocorra um erro estranho, ao verificar o log a seguinte mensagem é exibida:

Entering function ConfigureVirtualServerWithNewApplicationPool

Entering function GenerateNewApplicationPoolId
Leaving function GenerateNewApplicationPoolId
Creating new application pool SharePoint_80_07d99c07c0184c8bbce6472ec69f1a87
An error occurred during setup of Role Centers and Enterprise Portal.
Reason: Cannot access a disposed object.
=== Rolling back setup of Role Centers and Enterprise Portal due to error ===

Execute os passos abaixo para corrigir o problema:

(1) Run SharePoint 2010 Central Administration
(2) Click on Security on the left-hand bar

(3) Under General Security click on Configure managed accounts

(4) Click on the link Register Managed Account and add the BCProxy user account that is setup for your AX environment.
(5) Now change the application pool user as follows. Click on Security on the left-hand bar and then under General Security click on Configure service accounts.
(6) From the Select one… drop-down box, select the Web Application Pool associated with your EP Web site and under Select an account for this component, select the BCProxy user account you just added above, and click OK.
(7) Read the message that is displayed and click OK.
(8) Wait for the changes to apply, and if successful, the Security form will be shown again.
(8) Run IIS Manager, and under application pools, verify that the new account is now displayed
(9) Open up an elevated cmd prompt an run IISRESET.EXE /noforce on all your servers in the farm.

Fonte: MSDN
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